..He also knows KUNG-FU!!
I love rainy Sundays.
No, seriously. Sometimes the creature comforts necessary to weather a shitty day (meteorologically speaking) are blissful in and of themselves.

- look out upon the grey and rain-soaked world from the 12th floor of my apartment
- with the Ministry Of Sound Chillout Sessions 7 streaming to my Xbox360 and filling the room
- luxuriously sipping upon an unending supply of cafe latte's (with thanks to my Senseo coffee maker, a wonderfully thoughtful xmas pressie from Annaleigh)
- heater blazing away on 'thermonuclear' setting consuming enormous amounts of energy, unethically wearing a t-shirt and shorts to compensate and keep comfortable (hey I pay for power, so I'll damn well use it - bah)
- cigarettes polluting my lungs and the atmosphere inside my apartment
- making the best use of my new-found wireless connectivity by deftly massaging my wonderful Mac's keyboard from the couch

Given the above, the usual net-trawling occurs. And like all sessions of this nature, one ends up being link-hopped to some fascinating corners of the webverse.
Quite possibly one of the best internet finds I have stumbled across since I can remember, is demonbaby.
This guy is ruthless, sarcastic, intelligent, and yet is threaded with a keen sense of morality, and is unabashedly self flagellating and opinionated. Hell, he might just even surpass Malcolm Reynolds as my antihero of choice (high praise, trust me).
I don't remember the last time someone's blog had me physically laughing out loud (I live by myself remember) nor had the ability to glue me to their commentary for as long as I have been today.
A couple of highlights that I highly recommend from his site:
- The 2nd Annual Stupid Haircut Awards are the results of him "digging through the bowels of MySpace in search of the worst of the worst". Sadly, my recent 'trendy' haircut is the first thing he features!! Waaaaah! He aptly names it the "Magical Grid Of Bad Emo Hair®". Damn.
- Equally (if not more) funny is his original entry from two years ago, The 1st Annual Stupid Haircut awards. A quick scroll through some of his comments:
- Hair Style: The No-Really-I-Wanted-It-To-Look-That-Way
- Stylist: Stevie Wonder
- Known Allies: Bjork
- Hair Style: The Drag Queen Wig
- Stylist: Clearly, nobody.
- Base Of Operations: Behind the cafeteria
- Hair Style: The 'Who Needs Vision When You Look This Fucking Cool'
- Stylist: Lord Dark Helmet
- Arch Enemy: Walls
- will doubtless have you chuckling out loud if my reaction is anything to go by. Hell, I couldn't even suppress a giggle just typing these in. Too good.
- Another little gem is his article named Irresistible dating prospects from THE GOTHIC PERSONALS. He simply goes to town on them, utterly and ruthlessly. It's just pure gold.
My most favourite is the entry he makes about a goth named 'Kymus'. (Scroll down about a third of the way to find this.) To quote the article:"Now, Kymus may look like your run-of-the-mill Marilyn Manson concert patron, but there's more to this catch than meets the eye...
...He also knows KUNG-FU!!"
You gotta read the article in full to truly appreciate the piss being taken, but it's worth a visit, and your time, I assure you.
(Annaleigh - a little too close to home..? *grin) - Another cool little link out from his site is this one, where a guy has sourced entire maps from some classic videogames and put them together to form unique desktop wallpaper. Quite neat if you're a fan of some of the old-skool games. Brings back some great memories for me..
- And finally, his Curiosities from Japan's porno shops article is both curious and bizarre.
Having said that, anyone who's travelled to Japan will know this all to be completely true, but his treatment of the subject had me in tears of laughter. (not safe for work, but hilariously well worth the read.)
Be sure to also check out the 'miniblog' at the top right of his page.. some absolute classic moments in there.
I swear I wanna meet this guy.
Quick Xbox Updates

According to the news I've read this could be very exciting; a few people who have happened to call Microsoft for tech support on their 360 have reported that one of the announcements on their IVR states that there IS going to be a dashboard update on May 2nd - woohoo! About time. Can't wait.
Also, note the new link down the right side of my blog: "My Xbox360's Own Blog!" Yes, you're reading it correctly. The site involved basically takes all of the activity from your Xbox 360 use (what games you're playing, whether you're watching DVDs or listening to music, when you gained an accomplishment, whether you turned it on via your controller or the power button on the front, etc) and turns it into a blog as if the Xbox 360 has a personality of it's own.
Mine's only just been registered, so entries won't start appearing until Tuesday (it takes two days to collect enough usage info to get it going) but be sure to check back and see what it's saying about me. =)
And finally, a possibly 'historic' moment has occurred in the land of SaMbO. Perhaps more of an uh-oh moment than anything else, I decided to buy a trial version of World Of Warcraft.
Eek. What have I done.

All those stories you hear of people losing their jobs (and their wives/partners) to the game.. I've deliberately kept myself away from it, knowing what an addictive personality I have, but something simply made me feel like taking a look at it to see what all the fuss is about.
That, and the fact that it's one of the few (good) games that runs natively on my Mac, and that the 14 day trial only cost $2.00 from JB's.
I must admit I've had fun in it so-far. I leveled up my character to L5 very quickly, and am enjoying the friendly nature of the other players in my particular PvP (safe) realm, just having a bit of fun doing the very basic quests that get handed out at the beginning.
I've been good in that I'm only playing it for the odd hour here and there, and given that the trial will expire in 14 days time there shouldn't be much of a risk to becoming enslaved by it.
I truly hope those are not to be my famous last words..
Okay that's enough rambling for today. I want to go and conquer some more of Kameo on Xbox 360. Been having a ton of fun with the game since buying it late last week, and am looking forward to playing it co-op over Xbox Live, with anybody that'll join me, to check out this new feature.
"I have a life."
"I have a life."
"I have a life."...
A little Lumpy told me that there was some purchasing of a certain WoW + strategy guide ... we're speculating if you have a life now (:
..oh oops. this is real-life, i'm not in Azeroth.. *ahem
yes indeed! i've taken the plunge. too hard to resist after the 14 day trial. just had too much fun and there's oh-so-much more to be done!
the trial version is eeeevil - in that it's the full version with few restrictions, so it's incredibly difficult to abandon one's character, and ones real-life buddies, in the game..
..what have i done!
"Well met."
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