Sin City

Indeed it is.
Okay - so I may well be the only schmuck who simply doesn't "get it", but they say ignorance is bliss.
Bored. Yep.
And - borING.
Anything 'Tarantino' seems to make me feel the same way - splatter and shock (i use the word lightly) tactics didn't even come off due to a general numbing of the senses and as it slowly singed any neuronic activity under my skullcap (which I retained, unlike 99.9% of the characters in the film who seemed to lose theirs...)
Granted, we only made it through the 1st third of the set, however the motivation to view the other two seeped into the gutters of the city along with all colour bar red; blood red of course. (Yeh, post-modern-tech-noir.. *yawn)
The look on 'stumpys' face as his flesh was devoured by his pet wolf was empathised by us in whole. If we'd looked in the mirror after this 35 mins of cinematic wank, we woulda seen the same expression.
Bloodbath At The House Of Death was a stompier romp.